Stock Your Book Here
If you'd like to stock your book at our store, please fully review this page and then submit the form provided. We'll make every effort to examine your book and evaluate its potential for selling in our store as soon as possible. Please be aware, however, that we usually have a large number of books to consider, and there is simply not time to review them all within a short period. We appreciate your patience.
Thank you!

We would like to remind you gently that the following points should be considered before submitting your book:
It should be professionally proofed, edited, designed, and published.
It should have a spine with the title and author on it.
It should be priced comparably to others of its type.
It should be appropriate for our store; i.e., it should not be in a genre that we do not stock or promote.
Optimally, it should have a ISBN number and the price should be printed on the book.
We no longer accept books published by CreateSpace, a division of
We take self-published or self-promoted books only on a consignment basis. We do not pay shipping for consignment titles. If we accept your book, we will pay you 60% of the retail price for any copies that we sell. We usually review the status of consignment titles 2 or 3 times a year. If a title has not sold well we request the author pick up unsold copies at that time. Copies that are not picked up are donated to a charity of our choice.
If we stock your book, we ask that your promotional material directs customers to Crow & Co. Books for purchasing, and that your website directs orders to our store on and to, the independent bookstores’ national online site.
If, after reading this, you would like us to consider your book, please fill out the form at the link below and drop off a copy of your book at our shop during normal business hours for us to review.
If you are requesting an event with us (and due to the expense of events and volume of requests, we regretfully have to turn down most inquiries), please provide the following information with the copy of your book or in a separate email to
Why the event would be successful
Number of family and friends who would attend
Ways you would promote the event
Social media information
Local publicity you could generate
Whether or not you will be at other stores/venues in this area
Thank you for sharing your book with us. We wish you every success.